We’re always excited to be here again as always, we are this much closer. And if you've been following these discussion, it's we're taking a step by step approach to the proof of trail hydrometer with the parrot head, the talking proof and trail hydrometer that operates off of an Arduino. 

I'm going to tell you exactly how to wire this. Piece by piece wire by wire. Using a new piece of technology that I've acquired, and We're here to assemble on wire up the parrot head. As we get to wiring.

It  is the basic components.This is going to be one of 100 ways to do this, but this is the most direct and simplest. Get your SD card reader. I'm using a 386 amplifier.

We have our time of flight sensor the Uno. Let's wire the first thing that we want to make sure is our Arduino wire to our time of flight sensor. In order to do that we have the option of you see these four connectors here. The four solder pins on the flight sensor. And they directly correspond to the four wires located right here. All connections are exactly the same connections. You can either solder wires into here or plugs wires into here, and I've opted to plug them in. 

I've already wired these two. This is the SDA, which is your data carrier and your S CL connection. And that's written on the back of the Arduino. I've already put those in there. The only thing I have left now is my 3.3 volts in my ground. Those are what the pins look like. You'll just need these kinds of wires for the rest of your wiring phase because you've got to connect it. You'll have a male on one end and you'll have females on the other. The black one, which is the ground, and I'll go down and I'm going to plug that in right there to the one of the grounding points. There's two here, but I'm only going to plug it into one of them. Then we'll take the red and I'll plug that into the 3.3 volt pin connector which is located right there.

That connects the time of flight sensor to the Arduino. So when the Arduino is powered up, your time of flight sensor is going to operate. Remember, we still have to load the program into this location right here via our computer. And we'll tell you that as well. The next thing that we want to connect is our SD card reader. We have the same situation and we see we have a ground and you can take this ground pin and there happens to be one located right there, which is kind of convenient.

Then we have the requirement for five volts, and this is the power pin and this is where the female end of those pits and those wires come in handy. We're going to drag this one all the way over here, we're going to connect it to five volts and we're going to insert that into the five volt pin. Then we have the m i SO and your m i s o goes into pin number 12. From here we go into pin number 12 And then your mo is, which is the next one goes from here goes into pin number 11. And that takes care of that. 

Once you get that connected, you have one other pin here, which is known as your SDK. And your SDK pin goes to none other than pin number 13. This last pin this CS, which is the channel, select, your channel, select is going to actually go very simply, we're going to plug right in down here to pin number four.

And that's how your Arduino is going to talk with your SD card. We've only used the pins on this side, and so far only these on this side. see we've got an SD card reader. We've got time of flight sensor, and we've got the Arduino all connected together and they're going to work together. Now we need to connect our amplifier to connect our amplifier. It also requires a five volt source. Now you'll notice on the Arduino that there's only one five volt pin.

Just splice it in to that five volt that came from the five volt pin located over here and just splice it into the same one that gives you the five volts now next, you have The pin that's marked in, that's where the signals coming in from the Arduino to the amplifier to be amplified as a sound signal that goes out and it goes from here. This goes into pin number 10. So, pin number 10 is connected, which leaves us only one last one. We have two ground connections here. You can use either one of them. 

One ground wire goes over here to the other grounding plug right there. What we have is we have our amplifier, our SD card reader, our time of flight sensor, and Arduino, all connected together in one big happy family. 

The only thing that we're missing is the speaker because in order to make this thing talk, we need to have some way to make it speak. The two R's we're missing is one hot wire that goes to the speaker and one groundwater.

Just remember that this potentiometer located right here, this is the U turn the volume up or turn the volume down on that amplifier. You have just connected everything you need in order to make this entire electronic component operate the way you want it to operate. 

Some other key functions, key features you need to be aware of is right here we have a port for a nine volt battery. You want to use a nine volt battery for your power source. But that's not absolutely necessary. You can do that if you'd like to, or your USB port. And that comes from your computer, and that will also make it operate. 

One of the other things gdb is aware of on the Arduino, this is your reset button. So instead of turning it off and turning it back on or plugging it in or unplugging it, just push the reset button. And that will start the program from the very beginning again, and there's where your program is stored.

You can follow through with that wire by wire in order to make this thing operate. And again, it is relatively simple, just take it step by step. These are the adapters that go on the sides and what they do is they give me a little bit more capability. 

What they allow me to do is they allow me to use these screws to screw in the wires so that I get a really good tight fit Plus, it extends an additional five volt port and another ground so it gives me just a little bit more capability in these plug in to the side Have the Arduino and the pins line up exactly as you would expect them to and then they just plug right in. So this is sort of a plug and play adaptation and an extension of your Arduino as it already is. 

You can follow through with that wire by wire in order to make this thing operate!

Happy Distilling!

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