Hydrometer floater reading another way when it just quits bubbling but that keeping this in mind, every minute might get a bubble. In most cases, co2 gets trapped inside. That's why in winds wed gas it has to get rid of that residual co2. Every once a while I'll get a book and it's just co2 finally releasing, it gets trapped. So that's why we go through the D gassing process the easiest way to D gas a mash believer the easiest way is the support between two buckets. You don't have to go through the long process is a little bit different. You know why is a little bit more finicky. You got to work with it. You can stir up, spin it with a drill with a paddle on you can do a whole bunch of different things.
There's are 1000 techniques, but the process is still the same, trying to get co2 out. If you go to ferment, and you're gonna ferment a five-gallon batch. It will take seven to 10 days. I can't tell you it's going to take 6.2 days, or you can't get any more accurate than that. It's between seven and 10 days. It's average it's only been a day for it. I haven't got the day seven yet. It's done. I'm gonna give you the most common. Let's take for granted that we're at the right temperature. My sediment and my other sediment.
Make a row and get the corn to get rid of all because we don't want to go in the still. Before we go any further, can you siphon it into a still and run it? Yes. You've got it. That's if you're in a hurry. Why not take that extra step and clarify it. Now we'll get a little bit more in clarification, If you have five gallons and you drop your hydrometer in your hydrometer reads 1.038. Now, you know if you roll that over your potential alcohol, not alcohol potential. That means it's 5%, means if you put yeast in and it eats all the available sugars, that's as much as you're going to get, you're not going to get any more. It's only going to produce that much.
Based on gravity it's going to be way closer than a guess. If you're really 1.038 you got 5% alcohol by volume. Course 1.7076 is 10% alcohol by volume c 5% 10% 1.110. I call that a high gravity is 15% you know what mine is? My goal was always 1.090. So that's where my goal is and then of course you got those diehards that just want to make fuel. You're not making a spirit you're making you that's 1.150 that's 20% off now this is not equal out based on the picture and you know that, but what I wanted to discuss is that all things being equal, it will take your yeast probably got three days to make, four days at the most, it will take your use a little bit longer, because there's more of it to do.
Why we give you the seven to 10 days then when you get up in, this could take two weeks, temperatures important. Keep that in mind when you're preparing a mash of wine the must have or award for beer. Keep that in mind that when your alcohol by volume, goal, and potential is high. Your fermentation time gets a longer. If it's really low, it's going to be shorter. We got like 3% alcohol by volume. There's a lot of different reasons why but you only had so much fermentable sugars. It doesn't take us long need that.
We clarify because cleaning equals clean out. What are the dangers of not doing that? the dangers of not doing that are scorching you've got all of this and you got all of this and if that's in, especially if you're using one of those stills that has the the heating portion on the very bottom, you're using propane or you're using a hot plate something like that. That stuff will settle again inside the steel and then it'll start to scorch. Scorch is just like anything that you put in a pain and start to cook. If you don't stir it up, try doing it with like you're making turkey gravy and don't stir it, wallets, thickening the bottle, get real dark brown and turn black on it, you can taste it through the gradients, that's what will happen or could potentially happen.
If you've got a heater element in there, some of this starts to move around, I'll touch self that a heater or it could scorch. Now, is that really critical? Well, if you don't have a lot of it, don't worry about it. If you could dump into a steel. Are you going to have problems? Yes. Because there's no way to dump without dumping in with it. I don't care how careful you are. It's going to start to mix. You're going to upset it. It's going to mix into flow right in and you're halfway through you'll go at it, then your problems later.
There are several different methods, techniques for clarifying one of them is let's use gravity to our favor. We just let it sit for two, three weeks it'll settle to the bottom and you'll be good to go. If you don't want to wait two or three weeks, there are things that you can do to aid this process along.
One of them is before somebody's gonna use bentonite works. Bentonite is nothing more than a really neat clay that you placed in there and what it does is it attaches itself to all those particles. It settles and it clarifies. There's another product called sparkling, sparkling white powder mix it up, pour it and it does the same thing. It takes attaches itself as it starts to settle it grab stuff all the way down and it settles it out. That's what it's a flocculent. Using a big word for nothing more than settling out solid particulates. You don't want that you want it to be clear.
Now all in singles, instant glass is used in a lot of beer brewing. When you're brewing beer in the glass is just it. It's an extract from a dried fish platter that works extremely well. There's no taste. There's no effect on your mash your wine, your beer, nothing. I've even heard people say that if you use a clarifier, it removes the flavor.
One thing and I use this routinely, it's called turbo clear. Turbo clear comes in two packs. It's TSR and Cheetah saying, I just happen to know that because there's nothing on the pack that's going to tell you which ones are going to tell you that you got TSR T two saying. So you got Part A and Part B, you pour in part A, just cut the end off the tip. Pour it in, give it a little quick stir, let it sit for an hour. Cut the tip-off, pour in Part B, give it looser, and just let it sit 24 hours later, go in crystal clear. That this is positively and negatively charged. It's the same time as they're doing that in their coalescing and mixing inside your mixtures. They're grabbing a hold of all that solid particulates and it all settles out to the bottom. What good enough for one five-gallon batch or six-gallon batch it doesn’t get critical. There's also another option you can I just get bottles of it. I want a bottle on TSR and a bottle of Cheetah saying. If you're doing this more often.
Here's what we're going to do. I'm just going to take a hose and remember a technique. Could you use an auto-siphon? Do you use a vacuum pump? I'm going to use a hose since this is a mash, and not a beer, stuck on the end of it, you want to be careful when it comes to beer because the environment that you've created is a really good breeding ground. So you don't want to infect that with anything from your mouth. When it comes to a mash, going right into a still, so I'm going to siphon it from here into another container then I'll dump all of the trub for wine it would be for beers called trub and for mash, I don't know I guess we call it junk.
I'm gonna dump all of that out. I'm going to reintroduce everything. I'll just pour it right back in the gassing it the same technique. Then I'm gonna add my turbo clear to both of them. And then guess what? within two days, usually within 24 hours, but within 48 hours.
Now all we're going to do is clarify D gas and we're going to put it in the stew and we're going to produce a spirit.